When people think of investing, most think of putting money into a portfolio of stocks and bonds. While this is most certainly a great tool for investing, many people believe investing stops at that. The Wall Street Journal recently had an article that pointed to five “human capital investments” that everyone has the ability to invest in that will yield impressive returns. Below are three of the five investments outlined in the article.

Your Career

Find a career that challenges you. Remember you can’t grow if you are already at the top. When you feel comfortable in your job, look for new projects at work to take on. To be successful in your career, you must demonstrate a willingness to work hard and take a proactive role in your career. Outside of work, try attending as many networking events you can. Networking is arguably the most important tool to use in your career. You can never have too many connections.

Your Body

Investing in your body could yield higher earnings and will result in fewer costs, making for a pretty good investment return. In a recent study published in the Journal of Labor Research, workers who exercise regularly earn over 9% higher pay on average than workers who don’t exercise. Exercise stimulates the brain, causing you to think clearer and store information easier. The physically fit pay less for insurance and spend less on health care. From the employer’s perspective, a physically fit employee will be more productive and take less sick days. Getting in good physical shape won’t just be a good investment; it will boost your confidence and make for a longer, healthier life. Want to get in the habit of working out regularly but can’t seem to get in the routine? Find a buddy that will commit to go exercise with you every day. If you just can’t find the time to put in the extra time at the beginning of the day or the end of the day, try going for a run during lunch. Remember it takes a minimum of 21 days to form a habit, if you commit to exercising at the same time every day, eventually it will become second nature and part of your daily routine.

Your community

Homes are the largest nonfinancial asset for most people. The location of your home drives the value of your home. Maintain your lawn and encourage your neighbors to do the same. Think of the time you spend volunteering in your community and cleaning up as a hedge against location risk. Be an active participant in your community and let the city know when there are areas that need to be cleaned up.

Eagerness to Learn

The last piece of advice that will help you not only advance your career but also advance in every other area of your life is this:It is important to make yourself a sponge in this world, soaking up every bit of information you can about everything you can to become an expert at as much as you can. There is so much value in each person who commits to learning.

To read the entire article, follow the link to the Wall Street Journal.

Paladin recognizes the value of human capital, and is eager to invest in you. To learn more about opportunities at Paladin, check out our website!