
A collection of thoughts from our industry experts

Top Soft Skills Hiring Managers Look For (Part 2)

Most people have some soft skills which they’ve picked up through their education and work experience, however, because these skills are so important for job success, they are something you should continually work…

Keys to Making a Great First Impression

Whether you’re interviewing for a job, meeting a new manager or co-worker, making a sales pitch, or representing your company at a work event, making a great first impression will help you stand out and…

Essential Skills Needed to Land a Remote Job

For employees hoping to land a job that allows them to work remotely, from wherever they choose, there are some essential skills they must have. Since the start of the pandemic especially, demand for remote and…

Top Soft Skills Hiring Managers Look For

Hard skills, like certifications and qualifications, can help get you the job interview but it's your soft skills that will help you land the job. In an article on Fast Company, they site a LinkedIn…

Leadership Skills to Present During Your Next Interview

During the interview process, presenting leadership skills is a smart strategy, whether you are or are not applying for a managerial role. Some of the most common leadership skills include communication,…

Questions to Ask When Starting a New Job

Starting a new job can feel both exciting and intimidating. It’s a fresh start in a new environment but with that comes a learning curve and transition period. While (hopefully) your new employer has an…

Preparing for an IT Interview

Interviewing for a job can be an intimidating process but the key is to do as much preparation and homework ahead of time as possible. Things such as researching the company and role, practicing answers to the…

Tips for Hybrid Work

While working in a hybrid environment is a big plus for many employees (the 2021 Work Trend Index said over 70 percent of workers want flexible remote work options to continue) it does come with its own unique set…

Asking For a LinkedIn Recommendation

One of the most important tools for job seekers is having an impactful LinkedIn profile. It’s something both recruiters and hiring managers check to see your work history, skillset, and credibility. In addition…

Email Etiquette Tips

In the business world, crafting a well-executed and thoughtful email is both a useful and valuable skill. It’s estimated that “the average professional spends 28% of the work day reading and answering email”…

Signs It's Time to Find a New Job

In late June of 2021 it was estimated that “Nearly 25% of employees are planning to look for a new job once the pandemic is over.” We’re in the midst of what has been dubbed as “The Great…

What to Know About Work Burnout

Work burnout affects all of us at one point or another. A recent Indeed study found that “more than half (52%) of respondents are feeling burned out, and more than two-thirds (67%) believe the feeling…

Keeping up With Your New Year's Resolutions

We’re over a week into the new year and many of those that set resolutions at the beginning of the month may be finding themselves starting to waver on their goals. If you’re finding yourself in this position,…

How to Answer Describe Yourself During an Interview

It’s always important to prepare before an interview and have prepared answers to common questions such as “What are you biggest strengths” or “Why are you interested in working here?”. Another common…

Tips for Starting Your Week off Right

There are some weeks you start off energized and ready to take on anything that comes your way… and there are others when it feels like the exact opposite. On those Mondays, it can feel like you’re…

The Great Talent Migration of 2021

With our current tight job market, increased job flexibility, and technical advances, we are going through what has been phrased as the “Great Talent Migration”. What is the reason for the current talent…

Improving Your Work Meetings

Meetings bring people together for a purpose with a defined beginning, middle, and end. Whether in-person, or remote, most work environments hold at least one meeting each week, and many have them daily. They may…

Importance of Strategic Thinking

Strategic thinking is a key component to successful leadership, and yet is something those in leadership roles tend not to make time for. A study shows that a strategic approach to leadership is about 10 times…

Answering Interview Questions about Your Remote Working Skills

As more companies look to hire remote employees, common interview questions have expanded to also include questions about how employees work remotely. Certain characteristics and habits make some people more…

Why We Procrastinate and What to Do About It

Procrastination is intentionally delaying a task that needs to be done, even if you know it will come at a cost. The truth is a lot of us procrastinate. Even if we manage to get our projects/assignments in on time,…

Networking (for when you hate to network)

For a lot of people, the idea of networking causes instant anxiety and dread because if not done properly, it can feel forced and uncomfortable. However, making professional connections is key to furthering your…

Know your Limit and Avoid Work Burnout

Since the start of the pandemic, many people have experienced higher levels of stress and exhaustion. When these periods of fatigue last longer than normal, and even short breaks don’t provide relief, this can be…

Common Email Phrases to Replace

We recently wrote a post on ways to sound more confident at work. We thought we’d expand more upon that and focus specifically on emailing and simple phrases you can replace to sound more confident, to the point,…

Appropriate Instances to Say No at Work

Speaking up and saying “no” at work can feel uncomfortable. However, there are some times when that is absolutely the appropriate response. Here are several instances when it’s a good idea to say “no”. An…

How to Be a Better Communicator

Some people are born great communicators. They can walk into a room (or a board meeting) and instantly command the room with their words. They are engaging, present, and purposeful when communicating with others.…

How to Succeed During Your Next Panel Interview

What’s more nerve wracking than a one-on-one interview? A panel interview. For those who haven’t faced one before, a panel interview is like a traditional in-person interview but instead of speaking with just…

How to Ace a Virtual Career Fair

In our current world, Virtual Career Fairs are becoming more commonplace. With every attendee being there for the same reason, it is hard to feel adequately prepared enough to stand out above the rest. If you’ll…

Short-Term Goals for the Remainder of 2020

We are nearing the final quarter of 2020 and the year so far has been unexpected (to say the least) and has forced many to re-evaluate what is truly important to them. The resolutions you made on January 1st are likely…

The Importance of Creating Rituals

If the current world situations have you feeling extra anxious, now is a great time to consider creating new rituals. Having some meaningful habits in your life gives you a sense of belonging, purpose, and order.…

Staying Focused While Searching for a New Career

With around 57.4 million Americans filling for unemployment since mid-March, it is safe to say that a lot of people are on the job hunt. If you find yourself in this category and feel like you are losing hope…

Writing Your Resume for the First Time

If you are a recent college or high school graduate – first off, congrats! While the excitement of graduating is fresh on your mind, the next step of beginning your career search post school may feel daunting. You…

Updating Your Resume If You've Been Laid off Due to COVID-19

With the unemployment rate for July at 10.2%, a significant number of American’s jobs have been impacted from COVID-19. Many who had employment at the beginning of the year have since been furloughed or laid…

How Companies Can Attract Millennials

With almost half of today’s working generation considered to be a Millennial (anyone born between 1981 and 1996), companies need to be strategic in recruiting this generation’s top talent. To do this, companies…

What To Say To Inspire and Motivate Your Team

Business leaders right now not only have the challenge of encouraging their (possibly remote) teams to continue to hit their targets and goals, but they also need to provide comfort during these uncertain times. If…

Dealing with Work Interruptions

Whether working from home or in the office, work interruptions are inevitable. While sometimes they can be a welcome distraction, such as a quick conversation with a co-worker about an enjoyable subject, there are…

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Below are some interesting issues for you yourself to really present your faculty or exceptional school pupils to prepare a superb address on. Convincing discourse subjects that’ll interest a higher college pupil…

Find Your Strength

Everyone has a strength, some people have several strengths. It is important you and your colleagues are aware of one another’s strengths. Within the work environment it is sometimes easier to focus on…

Outside the Box

One aspect of a candidate that many employers look for is adaptability and being able to complete goals without having to be told what to do. Initiative and creative thinking have become important within the work…

God Bless America

As we prepare for our Fourth of July festivities, it is important that we remember the birth of this great country and that the freedom it represents was not gained easily. The American Revolution was war fought by…

Connecting Java and .Net IT professionals with fortune 500 companies

We hear it all the time, IT jobs are in high demand. If you know anything about IT your skills are desired. Topping the list of must-have IT professionals are software developers and engineers. So why are Java and…

What is success?

Are you successful? How do you know? Success can be measured in a myriad of ways, but how do you measure it? If we’re being honest most people would measure success by their monetary value. The amount of money one…

The need to be inspired

Inspiration, we hear that word a lot. May times in creative settings or when there is a lack of an idea. What does inspiration mean and why is it important? The definition of inspiration is a person, place,…

Celebrating Father’s Day

Every year we celebrate the fathers that guide us, inspire us and protect us. Why are fathers so important? As a daughter to a father, I always thought of my dad as the protector and entertainer. He was always the one…

6 Tips for The Young Professional

Since Kindergarten you start the day with your parent’s waking you up every morning, dressing you, feeding you, coddling you; essentially, preparing you for anything that may come that day. You go to school, and…

To Get The Job You Want Seek First To Understand

To Get The Job You Want, Seek First To Understand One of the biggest reasons for Paladin’s above industry average for job-candidates-presented to placement ratio is because we understand hiring manager’s needs…

Why job seekers should enlist staffing agencies

Searching for a job can become a “job” for a dedicated person trying to find the best opportunity to display his or her talents. There are often times when people don’t realize how much work is put into the…

Yum Brands demonstrates Customer- and Community-centric Excellence

In local Dallas news, one of our clients has come under fire for a logo selection. The Red star of Bahn House, asian-themed test concept, was too reminiscent of communism to a strong local community…

Improving your Communication in the Workplace

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” George Bernard Shaw. One of the leading causes of work issues can be traced back to a single breakdown in communication at some…

Personal Metrics that will Drive Success in all Areas of Life

We use metrics at work to measure our success, why not measure where we stand in our personal lives too? After all, how we live our lives have a direct effect on our professional lives. It is important to make sure…

It Takes A Village…

Paladin Consulting is so excited to participate in North Texas Giving Day this year.  We’ve got something very special planned to contribute to this communal effort that will impact over 1600 non-profits in…

Courage in Communities

Community is more than just a group of individuals that come together to socialize. Community is a group of individuals with similar ambitions and a desire to achieve a common goal.  When these entities gather…

7 Misconceptions about Technology

The web is the internet One of the most common misconceptions people have today. Most people use the web as their method of using the internet. The internet actually began in the form we use it when Arpanet started…

Bridging the Gap

There is a growing demand for professionals that possess STEM skills, yet there is a decline in young professionals in STEM. To add to this demand, according to a recent article by Business Insider, there has been…

Three Risk Free Investments You are Already Holding

When people think of investing, most think of putting money into a portfolio of stocks and bonds. While this is most certainly a great tool for investing, many people believe investing stops at that. The Wall…

This Day in History

Today marks the 100th anniversary of the first nationally recognized Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is known as a day dedicated to expressing gratitude to our mothers, gifts, brunch’s and pampering. Where it all…

10 Habits of the Happiest People

It’s human nature to see the negative in situations and miss the positive.  Our goals, career choice, relationships and hobbies are all driven by the simple desire to be happy, yet most people don’t…

Protect yourself from the Internet Heartbleed

Use different passwords The biggest mistake which happens to also be the most common mistake is to choose one password and use it as your login to everything.  If there is a breach in one of your accounts, it…

The Power of Connection: The User Group

Getting involved in a network of professionals in your industry has nothing to offer but benefits regardless of industry. In the IT industry, user groups are becoming an increasingly popular networking avenue. A…

What Learning Style are You?

Research compiled from various university studies by The Online Journal of New Horizons shows that everyone learns and processes information differently.  According to the Online Journal…

What we can learn from St. Patrick

Today is St. Patrick’s Day, and in America the festivities have been in full swing since the weekend. When people think of St. Patrick’s Day, most think of a sea of people decked out in green, packed pubs,…

Employee Recognition

Building employee morale is arguably the most important task for a company. High employee morale can boost productivity, participation, retention and opportunities.  Employee recognition is a conduit…

The First Six Things Interviewers Notice

We know our interview attire is immediately acknowledged by interviewers, but there’s many other things interviewers take note of during an interview.  In a survey of employers across America, 6 things…

Dress to Impress:The Business Professional Interview

Seven seconds. That is the amount of time you have to make a first impression that could determine the entire course of your interview.  Like it or not, those seven seconds are based strictly on appearance…

Benefits to Earning a Professional Certification

Want to stand out among a pool of candidates? Although there is not a clear cut answer to this question (the answer depends on the industry and specific job) gaining a professional certification is a valuable asset…

Leveraging your Internal connections

Recent studies have led many companies to seek out their well-connected employees.  These employees are the ones who seem to know and talk to everyone in the office. That person you go to when you’re having…

Boosting Retention Rates

The average employee stays at his or her job for 4.4 years according to the BLS. That means an average working individual will work for approximately 10 different employers over the course of…

The Good, the Bad and the…

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported a second straight month of a slowdown in job creation with an increase of 113,000 jobs added in the month of January.  This number is much lower than the monthly…

There’s No Time like the Present

One mistake many people make today is failing to save and invest early in their career.  The typical excuse these people have is that they don’t make enough money to save early in their working…

Employer Branding: How to Craft a Message That Attracts Top Talent

In today’s competitive job market, attracting top talent is more important than ever. But how do you convince potential hires that your company is the best place for them? That’s where employer branding comes…